Title: No One Like The Lord (We Crown You)
artist: Jonathan Stamper, Eniola Abioye, Aliyah Stamper, Nathan Carter, Lindy Cofer, Jenn Johnson
subtitle: (based on the recording by Bethel Music)
key: Am
time: 4/4
tempo: 72
Je –
Hon –
Chorus 1a
Bridge 1a
We crown You King of
We crown You King of
We crown You You are
We crown You You are
Bridge 1b
We crown You King of
We crown You King of
We crown You You are
We crown You You are
Chorus 1b
(1.) There’s
(2.) There’s
Tag 1a
Bridge 1c
We crown You King of
We crown You King of
We crown You You are
We crown You You are
Tag 1b
CCLI Song # 7239649
© Bethel Music Publishing | Brian and Jenn Publishing | Capitol CMG Genesis | Circuit Rider Music Collective | Circuit Rider Music Team | Lindy Cofer Publishing
| Jonathan Stamper | Remaining portion is unaffiliated
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
Note: Reproduction of this sheet music requires a CCLI Music Reproduction Licence. Please report all copies.
CCLI Licence No. 120886